Rayat Shikshan Sanstha's
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified College
Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University
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The National Service Scheme (N.S.S.) has been introduced at Savitribai Phule Pune University since 1969 as a part of the extra- curricular programme. The objective of the scheme is to provide educational and moral values through service to the community. It is a student-centric program which is implemented for developing interactive skills and awareness among volunteers to become better and capable citizens of the nation. The volunteers visit the rural areas and focus on developing the village and creating awareness among underprivileged people for improving their status. The scheme promotes the ability to present them in a better manner. The N.S.S. is a sponsored programme by the University and is active in the institute since last 22 years. The girl students contribute in social activities and awareness programmes conducted by the college as well as a part of Government campaigns. The N.S.S. activities improve students to approach towards social problems and community. About 200 girl students are selected and participated as N.S.S. volunteers every year in the activities.
National Service Scheme creates a sense of social responsibility, patriotism, national integration, communal harmony among the volunteers.
Sr. No. | Name of the Member | Designation |
1 | Principal Dr. Shankar R. Thopate | Chairman |
2 | Dr. Bhupendra S. Nikalje | Programme Officer 1 |
3 | Dr. Manjushree G. Bhagwat | Programme Officer 2 |
4 | Mr. Vishnu B. Adsare | Member |
5 | Dr. Mubarak H. Shaikh | Member |
6 | Dr. Laxmi G. Kathawate | Member |
7 | Dr. Fatema W. Ambekar | Member |
8 | Mrs. Swati A. Abak | Member |
9 | Mrs. Priyanka Pathare | Member |
10 | Mr. Arjun Jaybhaye | Member |
11 | Mr. Deepak Karle | Member |
12 | Mr. Avinash Gaikwad | Member |
Sr. No. | Year | Place of Camp | Distance from Ahmednagar | Date | Duration | No. of Volunteers |
1 | 2023-24 | A/P- Manjarsumba, Tal/ Dist.- Ahmednagar | 18 kms. | 16th Jan to 22nd Jan 2024 | 7 days | 100 |
2 | 2022-23 | A/P- Manjarsumba, Tal/ Dist.- Ahmednagar | 18 kms. | 16th Jan to 22nd Jan 2023 | 7 days | 100 |
3 | 2021-22 | A/P Dongargan, Tal/ Dist.- Ahmednagar | 21 kms. | 26 Feb to 4th March 2022 | 7 days | 100 |
4 | 2020-21 | No camp was held due to COVID-19 pandemic | ||||
5 | 2019-20 | A/P Dongargan, Tal/ Dist.- Ahmednagar | 21 kms. | 2nd Jan to 8th Jan 2020 | 7 days | 100 |
6 | 2018-19 | A/P Dongargan, Tal/ Dist.- Ahmednagar | 21 kms. | 14th to 20th Dec 2018 | 7 days | 100 |
Sr. No |
Particular |
Supporting Documents |
1 |
Report of Extension Activities 2018-2019 |
Report of Extension Activities 2019-2020 |
Report of Extension Activities 2020-2021 |
Report of Extension Activities 2021-2022 |
Report of Extension Activities 2022-2023 |
2 |
Photographs of Extension Activities with Proper Captions and Dates |
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